Spybg is part of the Yooz package (available in the 'cfg' folder on InfoMac mirror sites)
Version history:
9/02/96 V 2.56
Bugs corrections:
+ Removed an old bug causing occasional freezes with only some types of Mac.
+ Removed a bug which prevented Aaron from working fine on some machines.
1/21/96 V 2.55
+ New recording method : Chronological. This means all the processes (Background and others), are recorded immediatly when they are launched, chronologicaly, in the Joblog file. Every 5 minutes or when a process is terminated, the CPU time is updated (if not null !). With the previous method the process was recorded only when it ended, not necessarily in chronological order, and recording only occured if the CPU time was greater than a minimum time, usualy 30 sec. The choice between this new method and the older one, is made via the Yooz Setup window.
+ If you choose the new 'Chronological recording' , the joblog file is updated every 5 minutes.
+ If your machine is always powered on, all active programs are registred at midnight, and are considered to be relaunched on the next day.
+ Preferences are now stored in the "Spybg Prefs" file.
+ This version is able to warn Yooz when the Joblog file is modified. This will be useful for future "Yooz" versions.
Bugs corrections:
+ Desk accesories are now recorded correctly.
11/09/95 V 2.53
+ Previously, the recorded time for each program corresponded to the CPU time it consumed. From a technical point of view, this was accurate, but was not helpful in showing the time you actualy spent working with each program. If your Mac ran 2 hours, with two programs (i.e. the Finder + another one), the 2 hours were shared between these two programs. If you had a powerful Macintosh, a great part of the CPU time was used by the Finder, because only a small part of the CPU was necessary to run the foremost application.
+ Starting with this version of Spyßg you will have the choice between 2 methods of recording :
* The old one : recording the CPU time used by each program
* The new one : recording the time a program is foremost
+ By default the new Spyßg will use the new method, and will create a new JobLog file named "Joblog (Front Time Record)".
PS : English is not my native language. Help to improve the quality of this text will be appreciated.